Recycling watches and Jewelry Professionnal

Process for Professionals

You want to be part of the community of responsible professionals and benefit from an efficient turnkey solution to recycle used watches and jewelry from your consumers. The process is simple, join Eco Tempo and send us all types of watches and jewelry:

  • Fill in the reference intake form below.
  • We will establish with you the most suitable solution for your needs.

Our Members

Our members stand with us. Together, let’s participate in the Circular Economy and reduce the impact of the HBJO market on the planet.

Advantages of recycling

Membership with Eco Tempo includes several benefits, to be used according to your needs :

Corporate Social Responsibility

Management of your WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment) waste and collection from your consumers.

Participation in a circular economy as watches and jewelry are dismantled by individuals in social inclusion programs.

The principle of "1 for 1" for used watches.

Marketing campaign for collection in your retail stores to highlight your responsible commitment and products.

Increase in footfall to your retail stores.

Enhancement of your watch brand’s value.

Advantageous tax solution on new watches.

Tax deduction of 60% of the value of the new merchandise.

The benefits of membership

Membership with Eco Tempo includes several benefits, to be used according to your needs :

Collect operation

Set up a collection urn within your retail stores to gather used watches from your customers and showcase your products.

Tax deduction on your unsold items.

Make a DONATION of your unsold new stock, accompanied by an inventory sheet, and receive 60% of the value of this donation, thanks to our “Donation Receipt”.

Exemption from your AGEFIPH tax.

Depending on your company’s eligibility, Eco Tempo is authorized to provide you with a Cerfa certificate attesting that you work with people with disabilities.

Communication tools

Collection urns

Which are primarily used by our professional members during operations to collect used watches and jewelry.


Which allow announcing the watch and jewelry recycling campaign at the chosen location for better visibility.

Presentation Brochure.

Which explain to professional members the innovative concept, unique approach, and benefits of Eco Tempo.


Which provide better visibility at the collection point and a pedagogical showcase of the Eco Tempo concept.


Which allow a concise and educational presentation of the Eco Tempo concept to individuals.

Do you want to learn more about our communication tools?

Contact us

FAQ - Frequently asked questions

Numerous benefits are available to you when you become an Eco Tempo member:

  • Environmental: You now manage the end-of-life of your watch product and contribute to limiting the waste of raw materials.
    Legislative: You comply with the “1 for 1” law and the mandatory “1 for 0” take-back principle.
  • Fiscal: You can recover 60% of the value of your donation. Any new object with an identified market value that is not sellable or sold is considered a “Donation.”
  • Social: If eligible, you can partially exempt yourself from the AGEFIPH tax.
  • Commercial: You can offer collection campaigns to your customers to showcase your brand and products.
  • Image: You position yourself as a brand that cares about its social and environmental impact (CSR); you are a committed professional. You differentiate yourself from your competitors.

Your contract includes a certain number of communication tools for your collection campaigns, depending on the number of retail stores. If you ever need more collection urns, flyers, posters, stickers, feel free to request them through our Contacts section.

You can certainly maintain your visual identity when you become an Eco Tempo member; you are not obligated to use ours.

However, the membership contract states that we must be present on all your various communication materials when you mention your collection campaigns and/or showcase your CSR commitment: Eco Tempo logo (with respect to the color code of our logo) and website.

To send your watches and jewelry when you are outside of French territory, contact us, Eco Tempo uses the Basel Convention.

Please specify that your packages fall under category 200135*R4, which corresponds to the international category of dangerous goods.

Testimonials from our members